Juvederm Injections Burbank, CA

Juvéderm is an injectable gel that gently reverses many signs of aging in the face, including fine lines and wrinkles, crow's feet, thinning lips and loosening skin. It can also "plump up" the lips, sculpt the cheeks, and restore a youthful oval shape to the face. It is made with hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body that works with collagen and elastin to give volume and support to the skin. Because it is non-animal-based and highly biocompatible, no pre-treatment testing is needed. There are a number of doctors in the Burbank area that offer Juvederm injection treatments.

DermaPhil Laser and Skin Care Center is a state-of-the-art medical spa in Burbank that offers Juvederm treatments. At DermaPhil, you can experience anti-aging treatments in the hands of skilled medical professionals while enjoying the luxury of a spa facility.

Luce Sana Medi Spa is another facility in the Burbank area that offers Juvederm. Dr. Kelly Yepremian and her staff offers a number of skin & wrinkle treatments including Juvederm.

For more information, please visit Burbank Medical Spas